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Blanchard J, Martel G, Brayda-Bruno L, Noguès X, Micheau J. 2011. Detection of age-dependent working memory deterioration in APP751SL mice. Behavioural Brain Research. 218(1):129-37.
PubMed abstract
Boucard, A., Mons, N., Micheau, J. , Noguès, X. 2009. Activating a memory system focusses connectivity toward its central structure. Behavioural Brain Research.204(1):226-34.
PubMed abstract
This article has been recommended by Pr. Norman White: Faculty of 1000 Biology, 2 Jul 2009
The experiment is described here (in French)
Blanchard, J., Decorte, L., Noguès, X., Micheau, J. 2009. Characterization of cognition alteration across the course of the disease in APP751SL mice with parallel estimation of cerebral Abeta deposition. Behavioural Brain Research. 201, 147-157.
PubMed abstract
Blanchard, J., Martel, G., Guillou, J.L., Noguès, X., Micheau, J. 2008. Impairment of spatial memory consolidation in APP751SL mice results in cue-guided response. Neurobiology of Aging 29 (7), 1011-1021.
PubMed abstract
Boucard, A., Marchand, A., Noguès, X. 2007. Reliability and validity of structural equation modeling applied to neuroimaging data: A simulation study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 166 (2), 278-292.
Elsevier ScienceDirect link
Mons, N., Ségu, L., Noguès, X., Buhot, M.C. 2004. Effects of age and spatial learning on adenylyl cyclase mRNA expression in the mouse hippocampus. Neurobiology of Aging 25 (8), pp. 1095-1106.
Elsevier Science Direct link
Noguès, X., Pascale, A., Micheau, J., Battaini, F. 2004. Protein kinase C. In: Riedel, G. and Platt, B. "From messengers to molecules: Memories are made of these". Kluwer academic/Plenum Publishers/Landes Bioscience, Georgetowns, Texas, 383-410.
Landes Bioscience Direct link
Noguès, X. 2001. New tools to study the neurochemical dynamics of brain-behaviour interaction. Recent research Developments in Neurochemistry. 4, 137-154.
Quattrone, A., Pascale, A., Noguès, X., Zhao, W., Gusev, P., Pacini, A., Alkon, D.L. 2001. Posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression in learning by the neuronal ELAV-like mRNA-stabilizing proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98 (20), 11668-11673.
PNAS direct link: Free
Touyarot, K., Poussard, S., Verret, C., Aragon, B., Cottin, P., Noguès, X., Micheau, J. 2000. Calpain-PKC inter-relations in mouse hippocampus: A biochemical approach. Neurochemical Research. 25(6), 781-790.
Springer Direct link
Le Merrer, J., Noguès, X. 2000 Cognitive neuropharmacology: New perspectives for the pharmacology of cognition. Pharmacological Research 41 (5), 503-514.
Academic Press Direct link
Pascale, A., Noguès, X., Marighetto, A., Micheau, J., Battaini, F., Govoni, S., Jaffard, R. 1998. Cytosolic hippocampal PKC and aging: Correlation with discrimination performance. NeuroReport 9 (4), 725-729.
Lippincott W&W Direct link
Noguès, X. 1997. Protein kinase C, learning and memory: A circular determinism between physiology and behaviour. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 21(3), 507-529.
Noguès, X., Jaffard, R., Micheau, J. 1996. Investigations on the role of hippocampal protein kinase C on memory processes: Pharmacological approach. Behavioural Brain Research. 75(1-2), 139-146.
PubMed abstract
Noguès, X., Micheau, J., Jaffard, R. 1996. Correlations between hippocampal protein kinase C activity and learning abilities in a spatial reference memory task. Psychobiology. 24(1), 1-8.
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According to the "Psychonomic Society Copyright Statement", I should indicate that "The final publication is available at"... but this is wrong !
Noguès, X., Micheau, J., Jaffard, R. 1994. Protein kinase C activity in the hippocampus following spatial learning tasks in mice. Hippocampus. 4(1), 71-77.
PubMed abstract
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